Snippet | Purpose |
vbase | Single file component base with SCSS |
vbase-3-setup | Single File component setup Composition API with SCSS |
vbase-css | Single file component base with CSS |
vbase-styl | Single file component base with Stylus |
vbase-ts-class | Single file component base with Typescript Class Format |
vbase-3-ts-setup | Single File component setup Composition API with Typescript |
vbase-sass | Single file component base with SASS |
vfor | v-for directive |
vmodel-num | Semantic v-model number directive |
vslot-named | Named slot |
vsrc | Image src binding |
vstyle-obj | Inline style binding with objects |
vclass-obj | Class binding with objects |
vanim | Transition component with JS hooks |
vroutename | router-link Named Routing |
vroutepath | router-link Path Routing Link |
vemit-parent | Emit event to parent component |
vdata | Component data as a function |
vcomputed | Vue computed property |
vbeforecreate | beforeCreate lifecycle method |
vbeforemount | beforeMount lifecycle method |
vbeforeupdate | beforeUpdate lifecycle method |
vbeforedestroy | beforeDestroy lifecycle method |
vprops | Props with type and default |
vimport-dynamic | Import one component that should be lazy loaded by webpack |
vimport-export | Import one component into another and use it within the export statement |
vmapgetters | import mapGetters from Vuex into vue component component |
vmapactions | import mapActions from Vuex into vue component component |
vmixin | Create a Vue Mixin |
vc-direct | Vue create a custom directive |
vimport-gsap | Import GreenSock |
vcommit | Commit to Vuex store in methods for mutation |
vtest | A simple unit testing component |
Vue Composition API
v3reactive | Vue Composition API - reactive |
v3computed | Vue Composition API - computed |
v3watch-array | Vue Composition API - watch as array |
v3ref | Vue Ref |
v3onbeforemount | Lifecycle hook - onBeforeMount |
v3onupdated | Lifecycle hook - onUpdated |
v3onunmounted | Lifecycle hook - (destroyed) onUnmounted |
v3useinoptions | Use Composition API in Options API |
vstore | Base for Vuex store.js |
vmutation | Vuex Mutation |
vmodule | Vuex Module |
vstore2 | Updated Base for Vuex store |
Vue Router
vrouter | Vue Router base |
vbeforeeach | Vue Router global guards beforeEach |
vaftereach | Vue Router global guards afterEach |
vbeforerouteenter | Vue Router component guards beforeRouteEnter |
vbeforerouteleave | Vue Router component guards beforeRouteLeave |
Vue Config
vplugin | Import a plugin to main.js or plugins file |
Nuxt Config
nfont | link to include fonts in a nuxt project, in nuxt-config |
Nuxt Page
nasyncdata | Nuxt asyncData |
nfetch | Nuxt Fetch |
nhead | Nuxt Head |
Extra (plaintext)
gitignore | .gitignore file presets |